Thursday, April 19, 2012

A man's shocked as wife Pops up in porn film Online and Pippa’s video at debauched Paris party

Another kind of surprise-Schoolboy's shock as he finds FOX curled up in his duvet

What-Jennifer Love Hewitt get presented with a giant picture of her own boobs

How this happen-A Player Chris Birch woke up gay after stroke

What a hot surprise-A man's shock as wife pops up in porn film online

Pippa Middleton behind-the-scenes video at debauched Paris party

How this happen-A Player Chris Birch woke up gay after stroke

WHEN 120-kilo rugby player Chris Birch suffered a stroke during a freak accident, his life was transformed - but not in a way that anyone could have predicted.
When he regained consciousness, the 26-year-old - who was engaged to his girlfriend at the time - found his sexuality had completely altered. 'The Chris I knew had gone and a new Chris sort of came along. I came to the realisation that the stroke had turned me gay,' he said.
He is now the subject of a BBC3 documentary, chronicling his attempt over the past few months to make sense of his new identity. Chris had been attempting a forward roll down a hill in 2011 when the blood supply to his brain was cut off causing a stroke.
During a stroke the areas starved of oxygen, brain cells die and this can cause damage. However, the brain can make new neural connections and find different pathways to achieve the same thing. Some scientists believe it is possible that during this recovery process a patient could discover a new skill, accent or even a new sexuality. However, personality changes following a stroke are rare and there have been no documented cases of a stroke changing a person's sexuality.

But Mr Birch, for one, is convinced. Within a year of his stroke he had quit his job at a bank and become a hairdresser, moved out of his family home in the Welsh valleys and started meeting men. 'It was a weird experience,' he told the film crew.’ You walk into somewhere and you go from liking that girl to liking that boy.' He found the changes traumatic and admitted it was a 'lonely time' when he was afraid to tell anybody about his new sense of self.
'It was quite a scary process. Being with the first guy was a very odd experience. I didn't know what I was doing,' he said.

Another kind of surprise-Schoolboy's shock as he finds FOX curled up in his duvet

A schoolboy had a shock when he returned from the playground to find a FOX asleep in his BED.
Alexander West, nine, was stunned to see the baby fox snuggled in his duvet in his bedroom on the SECOND floor of his home.The youngster had left the back door of the townhouse open when he ran outside to play and the female fox had crept inside and made herself at home.

“Alexander shouted down saying there was a fox in his bed, but I didn’t believe him,” said mum Dina Luminati-West. “I thought it must be our cat asleep on his bed, but then I saw the long pointed nose and realised it was indeed a fox. “I was absolutely shocked, but Alexander was quite excited and pleased she had chosen his room. I said it was because it was so messy.”
The small fox is believed to have been in the house for up to FOUR hours on Monday afternoon

Pippa Middleton behind-the-scenes video at debauched Paris party (video)

A French playboy involved in the Pippa Middleton 'gun' drama has boasted that she is his "new girlfriend".In intimate footage, filmed at the now infamous Marie Antoinette-themed party, Prince William’s sister-in-law giggles as aristocrat Marcy de Soultrait cheekily boasts to the cameras about his new lover - a claim Pippa does not deny. The pair appear to flirt openly in front of the TV

cameras, let in to film the debauched bash in Paris held to celebrate Marcy's older brother Arthur’s 30th birthday. Hours later Pippa was pictured in the front of an Audi convertible as the driver - wealthy barrister Romain Rabillard - seemingly waved a handgun towards a photographer behind

them. The party at a theatre in the St Germain-des-Pres district featured dwarves serving champagne. One guest dressed as a Cardinal carried a copy of the Kama Sutra and a fire-eating brunette burst out of a cake and did a saucy striptease.

What a hot surprise-A man's shock as wife pops up in porn film online

He found 11 films showing his wife in indecent scenes with her lover": Egyptian man's shock as wife pops up in porn film online. Man surfing for porn on the internet for the first time received an unexpected surprise when he realised the female star in the film was HIS WIFE.
According to reports, the Egyptian web erotica virgin collapsed to the floor in shock at an internet café and had to be brought round before he rushed home to confront his other half.
Identified only as Ramadan, the unfortunate cuckold was met with a barrage of denials and sworn at by his wife before he presented her with the filthy evidence. She is reported to have then confessed to the virtually-distributed betrayal with an old boyfriend, telling Ramadan that she had never loved him although they had four children during their 16-year marriage. Local newspapers in the north-eastern province of Dakahlia have quoted Ramadan as saying: “I found 11 films showing my wife in indecent scenes with her lover. “It was the first time I watched a porno film and I did this just out of curiosity,” he is reported to have claimed. “She first denied it and accused me of being insane before I faced her with the film. “She then confessed to be still in love with her boyfriend, saying he is as young as her and that I am an old man.”
Of all the internet cafes in all the towns, in all the world, what a terrible coincidence that Ramadan's wife had to pop up in his…

What-Jennifer Love Hewitt get presented with a giant picture of her own boobs

Jimmy Kimmel is a man we don't know much about, but who strangely we have written about twice today. First Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez were on their way over to his show in a car, and now Jennifer Love Hewitt is on the show, being presented with a giant image of her own breasts. Well, obviously. Jennifer was on the show talking about her new series, The Client List, about 'a woman who takes a job at a massage parlour to support her family'. Work out for yourself how we jump from this to the boobs.


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