Nice act-Video of Cop filmed clinging to moving bus
Why-Kate Winslet's 'Titanic 3D' breasts censored in China
Interesting study-Would you give up sex for Internet access?
Real Strip search-Passengers horrified as woman gets naked in airport
Nice use-Woman uses Craigslist to search for stranger who got her pregnant at gig
Crazy-Port St. Lucie man, woman accused of telling 5-year-old to watch sex act
Nice act-Video of Cop filmed clinging to moving bus
A Vietnamese traffic cop was caught on video hanging on to the windshield wipers of a moving bus for more than a kilometre. According to The Thanh Nien newspaper, the cop in Hanoi latched on to the bus after the driver tried to drive away and avoid a ticket.
Video shows the cop holding on to the windshield wipers at the front of the bus as it takes off. As the bus gains speed, he starts to slip, but manages to hang on. The bus eventually pulled over.
The driver may face charges of disobeying police.
Why-Kate Winslet's 'Titanic 3D' breasts censored in China

We've all heard the complaints and concerns about 3-D. The annoying glasses, the headaches. But this one takes the cake. As they flock to see "Titanic 3D," moviegoers in China are quickly realizing that they're not exactly getting the whole picture. It seems film censors in the country determined that the scene in which Kate Winslet's breasts are exposed while she poses for Leonardo DiCaprio as he sketches her has been edited so that Winslet is only shown from the neck up.And, no, it's not what you think.
Interesting-Would you give up sex for Internet access?

"What would you trade for Internet access?" That's the question the Boston Consulting Group posed to survey participants across the globe. The results from the USA might surprise you:
•21 percent would stop having sex. It's like saying: "Sorry honey, I would rather read Kim Kardashian's Twitter feed."
•84 percent would ditch their GPS. Let the "Why don't we just ask for directions?" fights commence.
•83 percent would say good-bye to fast food. We finally found what would break America 's drive-thru obsession.
•77 percent would cut out chocolate. Which means 23 percent of people are crazy enough about cocoa beans to keep their candy instead of the world wide web.
•73 percent would skip happy hour for good. Let's toast to the web: Nearly three-quarters of Americans would abstain from alcoholic beverages in order to go on the Internet.
•43 percent would put an end to exercising. Any excuse to skip the gym, right?
•10 percent would throw away their car keys. The skyrocketing price of gas doesn't hurt either.
And the kicker:
7 percent would stop showering. That's right, people are willing to give up basic hygiene for Words With Friends, which we can't help but think might actually limit real life friends.
Real Strip search-Passengers horrified as woman gets naked in airport

It seems this female airport passenger took the term ‘strip search’ a little too literally.
In a bizarre incident at Denver International Airport, the woman stripped completely naked while waiting at a departure gate.After clashing with airport over illegally smoking a cigarette inside the terminal building, the woman proceeded to take off all her clothes.She then asked an official to reprint her boarding pass, still in the altogether.The woman is believed to have blamed lack of sleep for the episode, which happened at around 8.45am on Tuesday.Denver police spokesman Sonny Jackson said: “It appears to be some sort of a breakdown.”
A second Denver police spokesperson, Raquel Lopez, told “The woman told officers that she'd had no sleep the night before.”
Nice use-Woman uses Craigslist to search for stranger who got her pregnant at gig
They say what goes on tour stays on tour. But one music fan has a very personal – and permanent – memento from a brief encounter at a heavy metal gig.
A blue-haired rocker has advertised for her paramour via the missed connections section of small advert website Craigslist – to tell her fellow metal lover that’s he’s about to become a father.
The 28-year-old goes into considerable detail about exactly what they got up to in the toilet at the Motörhead and Megadeath gig at Chicago ’s Aragon Ballroom before dropping the bombshell news. She describes herself as clad in fishnet stockings, a silver boob tube top and biker boots.
Her brief encounter was with a man sporting a red mohawk, a double ‘viper’ tongue piercing and black pentagram gauges. She writes: ‘I was grinding on you in the pit, then we went to the bathroom and got f***** up.’ She then goes on to describe in detail too graphic for Metro to repeat exactly what happened next, adding: ‘You were really good and you had to gag me so I would[n’t] make too much noise.’ And if that doesn’t get his attention, she adds: ‘Anyway I’m pregnant. It’s yours. Contact me if you want to be part of your child’s life.’
News of the gig-goer’s unusual posting quickly went viral, although not all the responses have been positive. Another Craigslist user responded: ‘Yet another good reason to go find and join a neighbourhood composting project or a community bake sale, or even sit at f****** Caribou Coffee and read a damn book, rather than go to a Megadeth/Motorhead show, boys and girls.’
Crazy-Port St. Lucie man, woman accused of telling 5-year-old to watch sex act

PORT ST. LUCIE — A 26-year-old man and his girlfriend were arrested Tuesday following accusations the man told a 5-year-old girl to watch him and his girlfriend having sex, according to records obtained Wednesday. Scott Joseph Trader and Katrina Anay Varner, 19, each were arrested on a felony lewd or lascivious exhibition charge in connection with the December incidents following an investigation by Port St. Lucie police. Trader also was arrested on a promoting a sexual performance by a child charge as part of a separate incident.
The girl, now 6, said the incident occurred during Christmas. She said it was just before Christmas because she hadn't opened her presents. She said she didn't want police to tell Trader, of the 4200 block of Southwest Carl Street in Port St. Lucie, because he'd be angry. The girl said she was not lying.An ex-girlfriend of Trader's told police of extremely inappropriate statements Trader made about the girl and about how he "fantasized" about her touching him inappropriately. Trader said the girl on the Valentine's Day weekend walked in as Varner and he were having sex, but said they were covered. Varner also said the girl walked in on them.
In investigating the matter, police learned of accusations that Trader made a pornographic video of himself when he was 20 having sex with a 17-year-old girl. The teen was about seven months pregnant at the time. Police reviewed the video, which was dated December 2005 and labeled "for our eyes only."
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