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Lucky one-'Stillborn' baby found alive 12 hours later
Lucky one-'Stillborn' baby found alive 12 hours later
What a timing-Man proposes to partner in court as she is sent down for stabbing
Wow-Boy brings heroin to kindergarten show and tell (video)
Try new- Hot dog stuffed-crust pizza
What more-Maid service offers something extra: nudity?
What a smart Idea-Man busted for selling pot out of ice cream truck (video)
Lucky one-'Stillborn' baby found alive 12 hours later
An Argentine woman found her premature baby alive in a morgue 12 hours after medical staff told her it was stillborn. Analia Bouter was just six months pregnant when she went to hospital in the city of Resistencia last week to give birth, reports Todo Noticias TV.
The baby girl — Bouter's fifth child — was pronounced dead and taken to the morgue, where she was placed in a refrigerated drawer. Bouter said she thought she was hallucinating when she and husband Fabian Veron went to say a final goodbye and she heard a whimper and saw signs of life, the report said.
What a smart Idea-Man busted for selling pot out of ice cream truck (video)

A Maryland man faces charges after allegedly selling marijuana alongside frozen treats out of an Ice cream truck.
What a timing-Man proposes to partner in court as she is sent down for stabbing him

A man who forgave his partner for nearly killing him when she plunged a kitchen knife into his back brought an engagement ring to court today in the hope a judge would let her walk free.
But when Tiffany Baillie was sent to prison for three years at Hull Crown Court, Gregory Todd said he understood why a judge had no choice but to jail her. Chef Mr Todd, 48, wrote to the judge pleading with him to not to send Baillie to prison so he could give her the ring.
Mr Todd said he had forgiven Baillie, 32, for stabbing him with a "substantial" knife, seriously injuring him.
But he sat in the public gallery and watched as Judge Michael Mettyear sent her to jail after explaining how most crimes of this type attract much longer sentences.
Outside the courtroom, Mr Todd said he accepted the judge had to send Baillie to prison and praised him for his leniency.He said he was not allowed to go down into the cells at Hull Crown Court to show her the ring but added his barrister took it to his partner and he was relieved it fitted her.
Wow-Boy brings heroin to kindergarten show and tell (video)

A five-year-old boy brought packets of heroin to a show and tell at his Connecticut kindergarten, leading to the arrest of his stepfather, police said on Tuesday.
The child was proudly displaying packets of a powdery substance to his kindergarten classmates in Bridgeport , Connecticut , on Monday when his teacher noticed what he was holding, Detective Keith Bryant of the Bridgeport Police Department said.
“He was waving it around,” Bryant said, adding that the teacher collected the packets and immediately notified her supervisors.Authorities were called and a field test determined the substance was heroin, he said. Later, the child’s stepfather, Santos Roman, 35, showed up at the school and was arrested.“He went to retrieve it (the heroin), and it wasn’t there so he came back for his stepson,” Bryant said.Roman was arraigned on Tuesday on three drug-possession charges, including intent to sell within 1,500 feet (457 meters) of a school
Try new- Hot dog stuffed-crust pizza (Juk of all time)

Hot-dog-stuffed pizza crusts are a thing now, and society is going to have to shoulder some of the blame for this one. We laughed at the Taco Bell Dorito taco shell; we maybe even tried the KFC Double Down. Should there have been an intervention the first time someone fried a Mars bar?
This pizza is real; it’s right there on the bottom of Pizza Hut U.K. ’s delivery menu. And it isn’t a pizza crust with hot dog seasoning, or with diced hot dogs mixed in. It’s a regular pizza with a giant hot dog threaded through the crust like elastic through the waistband of society's pants.
What more-Maid service offers something extra: nudity?

Maid service in Texas is offering something a little more than just a clean house: nude maids.
Fantasy Maid Service of Lubbock bills itself as offering "nude or topless maid service." It charges $100 a hour for one maid and $150 an hour for two. ("We also do parties!" It recommends hiring at least two maids for that.)It also prominently crows about offering discounts for the police. ("Ask about our law enforcement discount!")Which is probably a good thing because, as the Associated Press reported, police in Lubbock are keeping close tabs on the business. Police Sgt. Jonathan Stewart told the AP that Fantasy Maid Service does not have a permit to operate a sexually oriented business in the staunchly conservative city and could get a $2,000 fine for any violations.Fantasy Maid Service takes great pains on its website to make it clear that it "is not a sexually oriented business."
"DO NOT ATTEMPT TO SOLICIT A MAID FOR SEXUAL SERVICES," the website states, in ALL CAPS, so that you can't miss it.
Further down it also exhorts customers to remain clothed, unless you are a nudist.
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