Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Doctor Sucked on Breasts to Cure Cancer and F*****g village want name change

Fun-Naked hermit, 76, lives alone on dangerous Tropical Island

Stupid-Burglar Arrested in shower after champagne, meal

Fed-up residents in Austrian village named F*****g to vote to change name

How-Driver crashes into telegraph pole in middle of spacious desert

Perverted 'Doctor' Sucked on Women's Breasts to Cure Cancer

What a name-Woman Named Fellony Arrested on Felony Battery Charge

Stupid-Burglar Arrested in shower after champagne, meal

Police say a naked burglar has been arrested while taking a shower after he sipped champagne and ate a meal in a Southern California family's home. San Bernardino County sheriff's Sgt. Steve Wilson says 25-year-old Michael Calvert was arrested at gunpoint by deputies while he lathered up in the shower Thursday night. KCDZ radio says that after helping himself to a bottle of champagne and a meal, Calvert decided to take a shower in the Joshua Tree home. The Mojave Desert community is 130 miles east of downtown Los Angeles. The homeowners called 911 after returning home at and hearing someone in the shower. Calvert was booked for investigation of residential burglary. He's in jail with bail set at $25,000 and was not available for comment.

Fun-Naked hermit, 76, lives alone on dangerous Tropical Island

It may look like a tropical paradise, but Sotobanari Island is no holiday destination: there’s no natural water, dangerous currents swirl around and it’s lashed by typhoons.
However, the Japanese island has one resident who has made it his home for the last two decades: a pensioner who walks around in the buff despite the insects that come out to bite at night.
Masafumi Nagasaki, 76, has made this 1km-wide Japanese island his retirement home, living off rice cakes, which he boils in water, four or five times a day.
He throws on clothes once a week for a trip to a settlement an hour away by boat, where he collects 10,000 yen (£78) sent to him by his family to buy food and drinking water.
Water for bathing and shaving comes from rainwater caught in a system of battered cooking pots. His resolve was tested relatively soon into his stay when a massive typhoon swept over the island, scouring away most of the scrub he had counted on for shade, as well as carrying away the simple tent he lived in. "I just scorched under the sun," he said. "It was at that point I thought this was going to be an impossible place to live."For the first year he lived on Sotobanari, he threw on clothes whenever boats passed his way. But slowly the island stripped away his embarrassment.

Fed-up residents in Austrian village named F*****g to vote to change name

Residents of a picture postcard Austrian village named Fucking are to vote this week about whether to change the name.    The final straw has been a growing number of calls by pranksters from abroad who ring up locals and ask in English "Is That Fucking" - before bursting into laughter and hanging up. "The phone calls are really the final straw", said local Mayor Franz Meindl, who confirmed that the villages street signs were regularly stolen even though they had been welded on steel posts set in concrete in the ground. Drivers heading into the village often disturbed naked couples romping in front of the signs, and local entrepreneurs made the situation worse by flogging off Fucking postcards - Fucking Christmas cards and even more recently a Fucking beer. Residents last voted on the subject in 1996 when it decided to keep the name despite problems caused by American servicemen from across the border in Germany that drove to the region just to be photographed in front of signs. They then sent the snaps back home to their girlfriends and wives. If the name change goes ahead, they will be following in the footsteps of stadium bosses in Switzerland who were forced to change their name from Wankdorf because red-faced stars were too embarrassed to play there. The name of the venue - in Bern - was changed to Stade de Suisse after concert dates dried up. One of the few who did not cancel was Robbie Williams who played in front of 40,000 fans and asked the crowd: "Is this place really called ‘Wankdorf’? What kind of name is that?" The name is taken from a neighbourhood in Bern and comes from the word 'Wank' meaning to sway or rock from side to side and 'Dorf' meaning village. But the Wankdorf shopping centre next door to the stadium kept it's name - and the Swiss village of Wank also kept its name. In fact two years ago Wank residents urged the Fucking residents to lighten up - open a few guests houses and sell souvenirs to cash in on their fame.
The Wank Guest House, they said, was full all year round.
But the suggestion failed to win any supporters among the 100 residents of the village of Fucking, who are so fed up that they are this week gathering in the village hall to decide whether to change the spelling of Fucking to either 'Fuking' or 'Fugging'.
Historians have found that in the 16th Century Fucking was spelled with g instead of ck and many want this to be reinstated.

What a name-Woman Named Fellony Arrested On Felony Battery Charge

A defendant named Fellony was arrested yesterday for felony battery after she allegedly struck a woman in the head with a glass at an Indiana bar. Fellony Silas, 30, was collared early Sunday following the fracas at Kilroy’s Sports Bar in Bloomington. The bloodied 24-year-old victim suffered several lacerations and was treated for her injuries at a local hospital . The attack was reportedly triggered when the victim accidentally bumped into Silas while she was dancing.

How-Driver crashes into telegraph pole in middle of spacious desert

This astonishing picture, captured in Rio Rancho, Sandoval, is undoubted proof of an extreme case of bad driving across the pond. The careless female motorist inexplicably managed to plough straight into the middle of a 20ft telegraph pole, despite being surrounded by acres of brown and green desert for as far as the eye can see. And she's sure to be hit in the pocket when she receives the repair bill for her vehicle following this moment of madness behind the wheel. As one of the most vast and least densely populated states in the US due to its mountainous territory and desert landscape, it's difficult to see how the motorist managed to get into such a predicament.The damage to the front of the grey car is clearly visible in the snap, with the sheer force of the crash also causing the wooden utility pole to snap on impact. According to a Rio Rancho police officer, the driver of the vehicle, who had no life-threatening injuries, was taken to a local hospital as a precaution.
However it is not yet known if she will get back behind the wheel.

Weird-Perverted 'Doctor' Sucked on Women's Breasts to Cure Cancer

There are so many outrageous and unbelievable aspects involved in this story about fake doctor Reginald Gill, 77, of Wales; it's hard to know where to start. Oh, I know, the fact that he was a FAKE doctor and was dishing out medical advice to real patients. Advice like letting him suck on women's breasts to cure the breast cancer with which he diagnosed them.

I wish I was kidding, but according to the Mirror, Gill offered up the perverted prescription to women at his alternative medicine clinic. This week he was sentenced to eight years in jail for his heinous acts against two women, and that doesn't seem like nearly long enough.
First of all, these women did NOT have cancer. Can you even imagine going through the panic, fear, and other extreme emotions of such a devastating diagnosis for no reason other than this sick man wanted to get off? That part alone makes me shake with rage at the mockery he made of the disease. Then, after conducting intrusive physical exams while the women were naked, he delivered the news and proceeded to assault them. While it's hard to imagine any women actually letting him proceed with the bizarre treatment, I think when you're in that vulnerable of a position, and your life hangs in the balance, you're not thinking straight. Many would likely try anything if a doctor said it would save their life. As the judge in the case said, "It was a gross betrayal of trust.” In all, Gill was charged found guilty of three sexual assaults, six assaults by penetration, and two counts of fraud. His 35-year-old wife, Leila Gill, was convicted of sexual assault and fraud and sentenced to six months. Thankfully, the victims came forward before they could prey upon any other women. Hopefully, these women will find some comfort in knowing that he's being made to pay for his crimes and in the fact that they don't have cancer. However, I wonder if they will ever fully be able to trust medical professionals again.


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