Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Why women hate Samantha Brick and a Woman caught with newborn in purse

Very Lucky Man-A man alive after train runs over him

Wow nice car-Flying cars cleared for take off

What is going on-Woman caught driving with newborn in purse

How this is possible- Janitor steal 27 tonnes of office supplies

Who is Samantha Brick? Why women hate her for being beautiful

Lady Mary naked? 'Downton' star graces Vanity Fair cover


Wow nice car-Flying cars cleared for take off

Terrafugia prototype flying car, dubbed the Transition, during its first flight

A prototype flying car has completed its first flight, bringing its makers closer to their goal of selling it commercially within the next year.The US vehicle - dubbed the Transition - has two seats, four wheels and wings that fold up so it can be driven like a car. Last month, it flew at 1,400 feet for eight minutes.Around 100 people have already put down the equivalent of a £6,240 deposit to get a

Terrafugia prototype flying car, dubbed the Transition, during its first flight

Transition when they go on sale, and those numbers will likely rise after the Terrafugia company introduces the Transition to the public later this week at the New York Auto Show. It is expected to cost £174,000.The flying car has always had a special place in the American imagination. Inventors have been trying to make them since the 1930s, according to Robert Mann, an airline industry analyst.He thinks Terrafugia has come closer than anyone to making the flying car a reality. The government has already granted the company's request to use special tyres and glass that are lighter than normal automotive ones, to make it easier for the vehicle to fly.

Very Lucky Man-A man alive after train runs over him

An Ontario man survived -- visibly uninjured -- after a train ran over him in Thunder Bay, police say. Police were called just after when a 70-metre long train drove over a man who had passed out between the train tracks. The sound of the passing train woke the man, who crawled away from the tracks after the train passed by.
Officers attending the scene said the man had only 10 inches of clearance from the front of the train. The man was taken to hospital to be examined, but police say he had no visible injuries.

What is going on-Woman caught driving with newborn in purse

When a cop pulled over a car in the U.S. Virgin Islands on Tuesday, police say it was a routine traffic stop until the officer heard a baby cry — from inside a black purse on the front passenger seat. At about , the officer pulled over a female driver on the island of St. Croix and heard the cry when requesting the driver's licence and registration.
The officer didn't see a baby, or a car seat, in the vehicle and asked the woman where the baby was. Police said the woman unzipped the purse to reveal a newborn baby girl.
The driver said she hadn't received any prenatal care and that she gave birth at home a week ago, police said. The driver also said the baby had not yet seen a doctor, police said.
The baby was taken to hospital for an evaluation. Officers brought the mother a car seat.
The case has been turned over to social services, and police say the woman may still face criminal charges.

How this is possible- Janitor steal 27 tonnes of office supplies

Several surveys have shown that the majority of workers dip into the office supplies cabinet every now and then, but it's a good bet that none have stolen as much as a 69-year-old janitor in Stuttgart, Germany. Police said the man, who admitted to stealing more than 27 tonnes of office supplies over the course of several decades, likely won't be arrested.

Stuttgart authorities said the janitor admitted to taking office items and cleaning supplies from city buildings during the decades leading up to his 2007 retirement, The Local newspaper reported Tuesday. Officers said they learned of the pilfering from an anonymous tip and the man admitted to the thefts and showed police the items, which he kept at his apartment.

Who is Samantha Brick? Why women hate her for being beautiful

Remember when supermodel Gisele Bundchen made women everywhere seethe when she said many moms-to-be turn their bodies into “garbage disposals” and noted how easy it had been for her to lose weight after her pregnancy? Well, this is kind of like that, only weirder.

Samantha Brick, 41, a British freelance journalist who lives in France, is gaining notoriety for an essay she wrote for the Daily Mail. The headline? ‘There are downsides to looking this pretty’: Why women hate me for being beautiful.

It goes without saying that the essay’s premise — author faces hardships and unfair treatment from other women because she’s stunningly gorgeous — is asking for trouble. But ... WOW. Samantha Brick created so much buzz that she practically broke the Internet. She became a trending topic on Twitter and generated thousands of comments from readers over what BuzzFeed described as “quite possibly the least relatable essay ever written.” Much of the backlash seems to center on the idea that Brick’s opinion of her looks is — to, ummm, put this as delicately as possible —

disproportionately positive. The Daily Mail piece ran with seven photos of Brick, which elicited these sorts of comments and tweets from readers:


“I’m obviously missing something....”
“This is so ridiculous I still can’t quite stop laughing. Thank you — you’ve made my day!”
“I just went to get chocolate & I was made to pay for it. Might’ve been a different story if I was Samantha Brick.”The backlash gets meaner than that — much meaner — as noted in a thoughtful post by the Telegraph’s Brendan O’Neill headlined “The Twitterstorm against Samantha Brick is infinitely uglier and nastier than the article she wrote.” In short, it seems that the wolves couldn’t resist the red meat dangled before them when those seven photos were juxtaposed alongside Brick’s lamentations. Here are some excerpts from Brick’s essay:

“While I’m no Elle Macpherson, I’m tall, slim, blonde and, so I’m often told, a good-looking woman. I know how lucky I am. But there are downsides to being pretty — the main one being that other women hate me for no other reason than my lovely looks.”“It is not just jealous wives who have frozen me out of their lives. Insecure female bosses have also barred me from promotions at work. And most poignantly of all, not one girlfriend has ever asked me to be her bridesmaid.”“You’d think we women would applaud each other for taking pride in our appearances. I work at mine — I don’t drink or smoke, I work out, even when I don’t feel like it, and very rarely succumb to chocolate. Unfortunately women find nothing more annoying than someone else being the most attractive girl in a room.”“So now I’m 41 and probably one of very few women entering her fifth decade welcoming the decline of my looks. I can’t wait for the wrinkles and the grey hair that will help me blend into the background.”OK. So. What do you think about all of this? Is it a freaky example of oversharing? A commentary on how women treat one another? A slightly belated April Fool’s joke? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below.

Lady Mary naked? 'Downton' star graces Vanity Fair cover

Actress Michelle Dockery – otherwise known as Lady Mary Crawley on PBS hit “Downton Abbey” –  threw off her tea dress for the latest cover of Vanity Fair magazine.Clad in just a white sheet and some sparkly baubles alongside fellow photo spread bedmates Julianna Marguiles, Claire

Danes and Sofia Vergara, Dockery looked far more casual than her WWI-era role ever permits. (The nude, clutching-a-sheet look is a long respected VF tradition, shared by such stars as Miley Cyrus).In fact, she almost seems unrecognizable in a way, somewhat like it’s often hard to digest “Mad Men” star January Jones out of her Betty Draper '60s wardrobe and in normal street wear. She still looks beautiful, but just so very different without the loose, upper-crust hair bun, fancy hat and dissatisfied half grin.


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