Friday, April 27, 2012

Videos of who is Real-life Barbie and Dad invents device to talk to the dead

Who is Real-life Barbie, creating Internet Sensation? (Video)

Any body hungry-Man jailed for smuggling iguana meat

Why-KFC told to pay $8M to sick girl's family

Bad-Woman Jailed for Unpaid Dinner

Not a hoax-Girls Gone Wild founder demands apology from senator

Real or false-Dad invents device to talk to the dead (video)


Any body hungry-Man jailed for smuggling iguana meat

A Las Vegas man who tried to sneak 115 oven-ready iguanas into the United States from Mexico has been sentenced to two years in prison for illegally importing the reptiles, authorities said on Thursday. A federal judge ordered Eliodoro Soria Fonseca, 38, to serve 24 months in prison, the U.S. Attorney’s office for the Southern District of California said.
Fonseca was arrested as he tried to cross into California through the Otay Mesa port of entry, south of San Diego, last June with the iguana meat packed in coolers.
A search found the beheaded, skinned, and deboned bodies of 115 green iguanas weighing 159 pounds (72 kg) hidden beneath fish in the coolers. “According to admissions in his guilty plea, the defendant imported the iguana meat for the purpose of serving it as food to humans,” the attorney’s office said in a press release. Green iguanas are eaten in Mexico and Central America. They are enjoyed in stews or roasted and served in tacos or flautas, usually with condiments. Some recipes recommend parboiling the reptiles first.

Why-KFC told to pay $8M to sick girl's family

SYDNEY -- Fast-food chain KFC has been ordered to pay A$8 million ($8.3 million) in damages to the family of an Australian girl who was left severely brain damaged and in a wheelchair after being poisoned by a chicken meal. In 2005, Monika Samaan, then aged seven, her parents and her brother were hospitalized with salmonella poisoning after eating a “Twister” chicken wrap at a KFC restaurant near Sydney. KFC, owned by Yum! Brands, said it was a tragic case but was “deeply disappointed and surprised by the decision” and would appeal against it.

Last week, a New South Wales Supreme Court judge ruled in favour of the family, saying KFC had breached its duty of care to the girl. On Friday, it awarded the family A$8 million in damages, as well as court costs. Australian media quoted their lawyer, George Vlahakis, as saying the girl’s illness had “exhausted the very limited resources of the family”.
“The compensation ordered is very much needed,” Vlahakis said.

Not hoax-Girls Gone Wild founder demands apology from senator

The founder of Girls Gone Wild wants an apology from a U.S. senator who implied his press release about giving a Capitol Hill internship to the "Hottest Girl in America" was "a hoax."
I think the senator owes me an apology. I really do, for calling this a hoax, for trashing my name and for saying this was a publicity stunt, said Joe Francis on Thursday.
On Tuesday, Francis issued a press release offering a once-in-a-lifetime four-week internship on Capitol Hill working for Arkansas Sen. Mark Pryor.

Upon seeing the release, Pryor issued his own statement, calling the offer a hoax and noting he'd asked FBI to investigate.
Unfortunately, as Mark Pryor moves into the 2014 election cycle this is the kind of stupid, out-of-left field attacks you will see, reads the statement.
Francis said he bought the internship from
Wilshire Boulevard Temple
in L.A. during a private charity auction on the site for $2,500. After he won, he called the charity to make sure it was OK to use the prize for the contest.
It was for charity. I was trying to do a good thing. I thought it would be really cute and really fun, he said. On Thursday afternoon, the culprit for the auction listing came forward. A man named Chad Brownstein wrote a letter to Pryor, saying he suggested auctioning the internship.

Who is Real-life Barbie, creating Internet Sensation?

A Ukrainian model who claims to have reached her lifelong dream of being a real-life Barbie doll says she got that way through hard work for years and good genes.

Since Valeria Lukyanova joined Facebook on April 21 — filling her page with hundreds of photos showing her wide, doll-like eyes, shockingly small waist, long golden locks and, of course, huge breasts — she's garnered more than 92,500 likes and sparked dozens of media stories speculating on how much plastic surgery she's had or how much her pictures have been Photoshopped. On Good

Morning America, Dr. Anthony LaBruna, director of Manhattan Plastic Surgery, estimated Lukyanova spent hundreds of thousands to achieve her look, which would have required her to "cut some ribs out. Dr. Malcolm Roth, president of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, told ABC News Lukyanova shouldn't be going under the knife so often at such a young age. Valeria is only 21,

so certain milestones in growth and physical maturity ought to be considered before plastic surgery is performed, he said. But in a video posted to her YouTube page on Thursday, roughly translated to English by the site, Lukyanova lashed out at the media, claiming she got her Barbie body by eating raw foods, working hard, abstaining from booze and having "good genes. Reporters have been repeating rumors of her plastic surgery like parrots, she said.

Real or false-Dad invents device to talk to the dead

Mel-8704-SB7-EMF meter

Gary Galka creates ghost hunting devices to speak to his dead daughter

A FATHER has created a "ghost hunting" device to communicate with his dead daughter.
Gary Galka, from Connecticut in the US, appeared on the TV show Ghost Adventures to demonstrate how the device can record the voice of a spirit. Mr Galka lost his daughter, Melissa, eight years ago in a car crash but said he constantly feels her presence, reports.
He said it was this connection that made him design over 30 different products for paranormal research, and has named them after his daughter. Mr Galka demonstrated one of his devices on the show by playing a recorded voice believed to be a spirit saying: "Hi Daddy, I love you."
No one was making products for these people, Mr Galka said. His devices are sold through the Professional Measurement website and range from $79 to about $350.
The device used to capture the voice on Ghost Adventures is the Mel-8704-SB7-EMF meter, which is said to detect a range of electromagnetic and temperature changes. It also has an AM/FM scanner, includes glow-in-the-dark buttons, and includes an exclusive P-SB7 Integrated Sprit Box. However, paranormal researcher Joe Nickell at the Center for Inquiry said such electromagnetic frequency readings are suspect.

They're surprised that they're getting results in an old house, when in fact there are all sorts of non-ghost sources such as faulty wiring, nearby microwave towers, sunspot activity and so on, Mr Nickell told radio company NPR. He also said the electronic equipment being carried around by the TV crew has electromagnetic fields.

Bad-Woman Jailed for Unpaid Dinner

Woman Jailed for Unpaid Dinner Within Hours of Earlier Release

Freedom never tasted so good. A central Florida woman newly sprung from the clink was back behind bars within hours of her release for allegedly racking up a $45 restaurant bill without the funds to pay for it. Police said in a report that 42-year-old Jennifer McNeill, of Spring Hill, wined and dined at Carrabba's restaurant Wednesday then tried to pay her bill with a credit card that was declined, WFTS-TV in Tampa reported. McNeill handed over several other cards there were also declined before the restaurant’s manager gave her an hour to find someone else to come up with the money, WFTS reported, citing a police report.

The full-bellied diner reportedly became belligerent after being unable to find someone who could cough up the dough and was taken into custody. She was denied bond as a result of having returned to jail so soon after her release on a trespassing charge, according to WFTS.


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